Originally published - @ 12:01 am, Fri 5th Nov 2010; tables to be re-instated
We are all in this together and the photographer and the video-maker who worked for David Cameron on his party political campaigns are now together with David working for the government whilst thousands of other government employees are preparing to lose their jobs.
Yet David Cameron thinks it's somehow cheap to be point this out.
The government will, he says, cut the communications budget, but then if it's not aspects of the NHS, aspects of schools and the overseas aid budget, what isn't getting cut back.
But even in Nottingham, it's an area Conservatives feel more confident to speak out on. Their spokesperson says a Conservative council would spend more on front-line education (seemingly not grasping that many of the grants that the council use to top-up spending at schools from the direct school grant are being drastically cut).
The latest complaint is that a council publication boasted about progress for our children's 5 good GCSEs when the new standard is 5 good GCSEs with Maths and English. http://www.thisisnottingham.co.uk/news/Distorted-view-GCSE-results/article-2819336-detail/article.html
Except children in Nottingham's schools have made over one and a half times the level of national progress by both standards.
% Key Stage 4 'gold standard' 5+A*-C including English & Maths
2010 (provisional)
1998 to 2010 (percentage points change)
Nottingham City (including academies)
England average
Between 1998 and 2010, the KS4 level 2 (including English and maths) outcome for Nottingham City LA pupils has improved from 18.5% to 43.9%. This is a 25.4 percentage points increase and equates to over one and a half times the level of progress made by all pupils in England in the same time period.
% Key Stage 4 level 2 (5+A*-C)
2010 (provisional)
1998 to 2010 (percentage points change)
Nottingham City (including academies)
England average
Between 1998 and 2010, the KS4 level 2 outcome for Nottingham City LA pupils has improved from 26.2% to 70.4%. This is a 44.2 percentage points increase and equates to over one and a half times the level of progress made by all pupils in England in the same time period.