Thorneywood Mount, Porchester Road and Carlton Road
Given the highly residential nature of Thorneywood Mount, it is unfortunate that so much traffic uses the road. It is part of the city's road network, but persuading commuters to use Porchester Road and Carlton Road would bring relief for residents.
Porchester Road has needed both safety measures - much done - and significant maintenance - now in progress - see below.
Carlton Road has benefitted from bus lanes.
Thorneywood Mount
Significant measures were taken to calm the traffic in the early nineties, to the degree of severity currently seen on Kelvin Road. They were effective in terms of volumes of traffic but residents prevailed upon the Council to moderate them. Volumes of traffic are still not as high as before any scheme was introduced but feel oppresive. The buses are important but don't yet warrant a further pro-public transport measure.
TACT (Thorneywood Action for Control of Traffic) are campaigning on this issue and the City Council are now trying to find a solution that might deter cars - perhaps through the use of speed cushions.
Latest notes are -
the Council is into the situation again – using speed cushions between existing features are a compromise;
there is a cost and the funds for such work are being sought;
TACT have taken the ideas away to discuss and check that the plan meets their needs with other interested parties;
an actual plan for such a scheme is nearly finished and going out to TACT for consultation.
Porchester Road
Porchester Road major maintenance and improvement scheme alterations to lining
As part of the maintenance works fresh road markings will be laid.
The Council's providing an improved lining layout, intended to reduce vehicle speeds, and provide some improvements for cyclists and pedestrians.
The scheme would extend the alterations already made to Porchester Road between Woodborough Road and Thorneywood Mount to the lower portion of Porchester Road. The overall intention being to reduce the perceived width of the road, to change the nature of the road, to reduce vehicle speed, to make it easier for pedestrians to cross, to assist cyclists and to reduce the number of accidents.
For the main part of the road the number of lanes would be reduced from two to one in both directions, cycle lanes would be introduced in both directions, parking bays would be marked out on one side and the remaining road width would be hatched.
There are no new waiting or moving restrictions.
Between the Burgass Road and Carlton Road junctions the existing number of lanes would be retained (two Northbound and three Southbound) to facilitate traffic movement through the Carlton Road junction.
This scheme also incorporates new buildouts at the junctions of Wheatfields, Brierwood Avenue and Radstock Road, to improve visibility, and regulate parking, and new dropped kerbs at a refuge adjacent to the Thorneywood Mount junction to assist those crossing with wheelchair, mobility scooter or pushchair.
Implementing such a scheme at the same time as the maintenance works, substantially reduces costs and disruption.
Drawings are available to show the intended road layout.
The drawing also shows some improvements already made - namely the new traffic calming cushions and recently installed zebra crossing outside Hogarth Primary School.
Carlton Road
The junction with Porchester Road has been relaid.
[Last updated 2006-09-06]