Here’s a quick summary of news, events and casework for August 2004
26th - Elliott Durham 5 A*-C GCSE pass rate increases by 3%;
26th - Accounts Cttee. reviews Statement of Accounts;
24th - NCT report progress on bus services;
21st - visit The Wells Road, Astley Drive, Heaton Close, Kildare Road, Emneth Close and Ransom Road to pick up on casework; issues include - - tackling anti-social behaviour, and - checking water drainage, especially important with the current storms;
20th - visit Mapperley Park to pick up on casework; issues include - - litter, and - checking water drainage, especially important with the current storms;
15th - celebrate Indian Independence Day at the Indian Community Centre;
5th - visit Burgess Road, Honeywood Court, Emneth Close, Heaton Close, Woodthorpe Road and Mapperley Park to pick up on casework; issues include - - safer routes to school, - derelict garages, - tackling anti-social behaviour, - compliancy by tenants with their agreements on keeping places tidy; - planning applications, and - checking water drainage, especially important with the current storms;
3rd - Newstead features on BBC's Restoration;
"Plantlife" announce a "county flower" for Nottingham; surprisingly not one of the two varieties of crocus that are unique to Nottingham, but instead the Nottingham Catchfly (Silene nutans; "There are, alas, no longer Nottingham catchflies in Nottingham. The best-known site was on the walls of Nottingham Castle. But this was destroyed during ‘improvements' there in the nineteenth century; Habitat: limestone rocks and shingle. Flowers: May-July.) Nottinghamshire is awarded the Autumn Crocus.