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  • Writer's pictureMichael Edwards

Report to Nottingham tssa, December 1994

Published 12th December, 1994.

Transport Issues at the County Council

Public Transport Plan

This document has been recreated after an 8 year gap - a reflection of the new public interest in and support for public transport.

Robin Hood Line

This has a higher patronage than expected and the service is extended to Mansfield next May.

But, Railtrack's new charges (figures still confidential) are hurting the Council's finances. It's a shame that we don't qualify for the same subsidies as PTA's.


Nine out of ten Notts. miners have lost their jobs because of the pit closures - an outrage.

Now it's happened, there is potential to develop a commuter rail network for the Greater Nottingham area.

A £20,000 consultancy is looking into the feasibility now. The scheme will need serious Government support.

I'm disappointed to find that serious public transport campaigners are still not aware of this project.


Nott'm is one of three cities ready to start a light rail system.

The Government is likely to finance only one scheme.

For all the Government's noise about cutting road schemes, it is still pushing ahead with M1 widening whilst these LRT schemes are waiting for money.

TPP & Government Finance

Concern remains that, for all the positive planning guidance being issued by Government, their financial priorities are still anti public transport.

They say new roads will not be built without a public transport component to create a package.

Fourth Trent Crossing

This will be a clear test of Government when they are called to provide the finance for a new road bridge next December.

The County Council's public transport image has been damaged by its proposal.

The public transport argument is that a network of bus lanes can be created in the West Bridgford and Meadows areas if the bridge is built.

The Budget

Cuts in services unnecessary

Borrowing figures were better this year, than predicted by the Govt. last year.

Cynical Tax Ploy

The Tories are increasing indirect tax now, so that they can introduce income tax cuts in General Election year.

We must challenge voters as to whether they will fall for this cynical ploy.

Green Taxes

One interesting aspect of the Budget is that three tax increases were presented as green measures.

The Government would have a stronger case if they exempted public transport from increased fuel taxes (a reason cited for the forthcoming bus fare increases) and were not proposing VAT on "Park & Ride".

Cuts in Services

The tax ploy requires heavy cuts in services now, when investment is needed in the social fabric.

Notts. County Council Settlement

The County is being asked to make cuts in services and a council tax rise of close to six per cent to make up a shortfall of £27 million next year.

SSA given and taken away

The Government has announced a modest rise in the SSA, but two-thirds of that is for new responsibilities which Social Services are to take over from Health Authorities under "Care in the Community".

Most of the other third would be taken up by the promised pay rise to the Police.

Little left

This leaves £400,000 to meet inflation or the annual pay rises for teachers, firefighters and the rest of our staff.

Since cuts have been made for years, the Chancellor's calls for "efficiency savings" are a bit rich.

The Council is considering cuts of £27 million.

Acorn Initiative

The Labour Group is however proceeding with an initiative to provide £2 million of new spending for-

- youth provision, particularly in the former mining areas and the inner city;

- more nurseries.

These policies seek to address the changes in Notts. over recent years and to give the County Council new energy and direction.

Rochdale Pioneers

The County Council passed a motion celebrating the 150th anniversary of the co-operative movement.

As part of the debate on Clause 4, we should remember the advantages of workers' co-ops over private ownership and nationalised companies.

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