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Writer's pictureMichael Edwards

Circulated report to Mapperley Branch Labour Party, October 1994

Published 17th October, 1994. Clause Four

Tony Blair's speech was much better than I expected. I enjoyed the emphasis on the importance of values and backing them up with good arguments.

For all the media emphasis on policies and promises, I believe we must develop and promote a set of values that voters can hang on to in the face of the Tory machine at General Election time.

Given the positive outlook, I'm not concerned about a review of the Party's objects. Indeed, I'm sure you've all, like me, tried to write your own during a lunch break.

The test of course is whether the new set of objects are better than the old.

Kingsthorpe Close

A number of faults have been acted upon following a canvass of the Kildare Road estate.

Canvass of Sherwood

Thanks to those who helped.

Main issues to arise were -

- traffic calming;

- mtce. of the play area;

- re-surfacing of pavements.

I picked up some other cases; plus perhaps some members; and I continue to find people are reading "Labour Forward".

Traffic Calming

This year's review has still not been published. However, unofficially Mansfield St. has jumped up in the rankings following 10 recorded injury accidents.

John Heppell Public Meeting

17 people attended, of which 6 were members of the public.

The meeting was very good humoured and questions were asked on -

- road sweeping in Sherwood;

- Sainsburys' bid to build at the City Hospital;

- Xmas lights for Sherwood;

- speeding traffic on Winchester St.;

- traffic problems at the new HomeBase in Daybrook;

- crime;

- democracy at party conferences;

- the party whips system;

- N.H.S. trusts;

- charges for Social Services.


I'm meeting Chief Inspector Stapleford to discuss the Police's activity in tackling vice.


Pete Scoffings and I canvassed houses neighbouring Beechwood on Lucknow Drive and Park House Gates last Sunday.

My main conclusion is that new attention is needed on the concerns of residents, in particular dealing with complaints properly and providing a regular forum for the quality of liaison to be reviewed.


A meeting with the Close Beechwood Cttee. takes place on Friday, 21st October.


The dualling of this road through Clifton will be the main topic of conversation at October's full County Council.

Labour Calls for a Road Block

Even the Tories are starting to abandon the roads culture - Transport Secretary Brian Mawhinny has signalled a new greener approach.

Labour have demanded Britain's £19 billion road building programme be put on ice for six months.

Mapperley Hall

Severn Trent own the Hall and used it for offices. It's been empty for four years and the owners can't sell it for commercial use.

So they've applied for planning permission for a scheme which see the existing buildings converted into 16 flats and a house, along with a terrace of houses along side the formal garden.

Residents oppose

Local residents oppose the terrace because the access road runs along their properties. The M.P.R.A. are proposing 6 alternatives schemes, all based on more and larger houses in the grounds.

I lobbied the relevant City Council officer, but found that the terrace is to built in the style of the Hall, and seeks to set off the formal gardens to maximum advantage; and to make it impossible for the gardens ever to be built on.

Labour Group defer

There appears to be no planning reasons to refuse Severn Trent's application. Nevertheless, the Labour Group on the City's Planning Cttee. have deferred a decision because they believe residents have not had sufficient opportunity to put forward their views and ideas.


683 in Mapperley ward (17.2%, August '94).


153 in 1994.

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