Issued to a private meeting of Mapperley branch Labour party; published 7th July, 1993.
Traffic Matters
I've held a meeting with two officers from the Highways Management Division.
I raised 34 issues in 2 hours - the purpose of the meeting being to understand the current situation rather than achieve specific demands.
Arising from the meeting -
- Querneby Road has not previously been adopted and this is now being rectified.
- refuge on Woodborough Road near Dagmar Grove is 90% certain of being brought forward into this year's budget.
- I'm asked to suggest other sites on the Woodborough Road between Dagmar Grove and Mapperley Crescent that would be good sites for refuges.
- The pelican crossing at Bennett Street is delayed until the autumn.
- Double yellow lines on Woodthorpe Road will be painted in September (probably).
- Cavendish Vale. Yellow lines for the junction with Winchester St. have been proposed by the County Council.
- Marshall St. A new proposal for a residents parking scheme at the bottom part of Marshall St. It's the third attempt to find a solution.
Major matters raised follows.
The Wells Road
4 new zebra crossings with chicanes are proposed, along with a mini-roundabout at the bottom of ransom Road.
I've distributed 500 leaflets (copies available) explaining the case to residents of The Wells Road and estates.